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  • Writer's pictureSamar Pant

Dear Gurus

The problem with “Gurus” (and movie critics) like Shapiro and Peterson is that their logic is paper thin. Or shall I say, as flimsy as a house of cards. Even a butterknife will cut it. An otherwise inconsequential shift in gas molecules will knock it over.

But then they will suddenly proclaim their belief in chaos theory.

Cut the BS, guys.

Your beliefs in anything are as substantial as coffee residue on an empty cup. None of you understand that which you purport to. Just ask Zizek, or Andrew Neil. It’s not because of a lack of intelligence. Clearly, word salads require high level thinking. But there are better things than word salads. But one can only hope you did more of them.

Consider their views on god, geopolitics and gender. Totally bad, totally devoid of deep analysis. With a faked sincerity, I feel. And a deep commitment to thespianism (Who can deny that crying on cue does not take training?). But to the cult that follows them, it is akin to the word of the almighty! And to me a deep source of worry. For if tomorrow, either of these men told me that the Earth revolves around the sun, I would become deeply nervous.

Shapiro talks about the advent of science, yet he promotes himself as a religious man, a god’s man. Sure, but science does not support the advent of god – at least not the Judeo-Christian kind, or one who plays a flute to his female companions for that matter. You may argue, an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but, then you are embarking on a wild goose chase, and you may as well spend your entire life dedicated to nothing. But that’s fine because the cult worships you still and will always resonate.

Talk about confirmation bias.

Then there is something I heard about ancient serpents and the double helix. What was that about Dawkins calling it “bullshit”?

On geopolitics, both Ben and even worse, Peterson are without a clue. To one, their side (the West, America, and Israel) are evaluated on propaganda and questionable research. For instance, does Ben know how Arab Israelis (20% of the population) are treated by fanatical Jews? I am talking assault on body and property here. There is ample evidence, just look at B’tselem.

Let’s just focus on that and leave aside the fact that Israel’s war machine spills Palestinian blood at a disgusting, shocking rate. Let’s just leave aside their unwillingness to accept terms that would see Palestinians lifted out of their economic woes.

To that Shapiro will say, “your sources are biased, everyone against us is ‘woke’”. Really, Ben? Why don’t we have a discussion on that then? Why don’t we discuss how honest you really are capable of being on the issue. You can shift your tone and cadence, and Gish-gallop all you want to be the insufferable personality you show on camera, but I will be respectful, considering both our age difference, at least.

On the other hand, you have the poet, I mean “philosopher(?)”, Dr Peterson. (I lose track of what look he will go with on a given day). The man who proclaims to have over 33 PhDs and wear expensive suits. The man whom others see as the thought leader of degenerates. To him, everything boils down to a binary metric of “East vs West”. It’s like a blanket to cover up pillows, used as decoy for a boy who has gone past his bedtime – a simple trick to fool the parents, of course…Or a cult. It’s all about, “our culture and their culture and lack of coming to terms with the origins of the time”. Yes, all life did evolve from single celled organisms. So perhaps we should use that to solve the Russian-NATO differences, too. Just that one line should bring about eternal peace. Never mind the complexities that exist on the ground. Never mind international law and its two-state solution.

To that Peterson might say, “How do you define international law? How do you define a two state solution?” I ask, how do people keep a straight face when you put it that way?

But the cult follows their chosen leader, so he can spend an entire life talking about “over 33 PhDs”.

Both Peterson and Shapiro will talk about “butchers” and “pseudo scientists”. Yet, neither the psychologist, nor the movie critic know the first thing about how gender studies are conduct. Neither of them understand the role of neuroscience and psychology when it comes to gender identity. Neither of them understand the role a lack of testosterone exposure during pregnancy plays in brain development and gender dysphoria.

By now, I hope, they will contemplate in silence. This is not a “schooling”, but rather an invitation to cast aside the narrow confines on their minds and open up to being a better person. Through my life journey, I have improved and worked on myself. And seeking knowledge, particularly that went against my thinking, has been the way. I don’t have a fan following, so maybe it is easy for me to accept my past mistakes. There is no shame in admitting I am wrong in front of drinking buddies. But…In a room full of people who bought expensive tickets to the show, it’s a different story.

It's time the “intellectual movie critics of Western woke Marxism” (whatever that means…) did the same.

At least that will free the cult.

Damn it! I forgot to mention global warming.

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